We close the 2022 watermelon season
30 October, 2022
On the occasion of Women’s Day, the first gala of the Women Who Cultivate the Future awards was held on March 8 at the Palomares facilities of Agrícola Navarro de Haro.
María Lucía Bautista Martínez and Belén Collado Calpena were the two women honored in this first edition of the Women Who Cultivate the Future awards. Agrícola Navarro de Haro convened these awards with the purpose of making visible and recognizing women who stand out for their work and contribute to making the world a better place each year.
It was attended by Mrs. Ana María Gallego, vice president of Amfar Almería, Mr. Bartolomé de Haro and Mrs. María Encarnación Pérez, director and secretary of the Alarcón Fernández de Arellano de Palomares Public School, as well as members of the center for the elderly of dovecotes. The workers, friends and relatives of Agrícola Navarro de Haro were also present.
Without a doubt, it was a day of great importance for the entire Agrícola Navarro de Haro team, in which Juana de Haro was their spokesperson, stating that “it is essential to refer to the role that corresponds to us as women in the different activities we carry out, since be it family, work or social. We must have a leading role in accordance with the demands that the activity requires, such as our constant preparation to contribute to development and progress, taking part in different jobs and holding important positions.”
The first of the honorees was María Lucía Bautista, whom she defined as “a strong, courageous and fighting woman who has overcome many obstacles in her life.” She is an irrigation assistant and has dedicated her entire life to working in the fields, being a reference for all the women in the company. Secondly, Belén Collado, president of the Third Age of Palomares, was recognized for her work. She began as a caregiver for the elderly when she arrived in Palomares after training in nursing in Germany and it is to the people of this town that she dedicates her days.
At the event, the role of women in society was made visible, emphasising their right to live without discrimination and in equal conditions and freedoms. All the workers of the company Agrícola Navarro de Haro were invited and at the end of the event they were given a rose as a gift and thanks for their daily work. Some of the staff of the company Tomasol attended too.
Empresa referente en el mercado nacional e internacional en la producción y comercialización al por mayor de productos hortofrutícolas.
A leading company in the national and international market for the production and wholesale distribution of fruit and vegetable products.
Dirección/Address: Ctra Palomares cuevas de Almanzora km.2, 04610, Almería
Tel/Pho: 950 61 80 96
E-mail: info@agricolanavarrodeharo.es
2023@ Copyright Agrícola Navarro de Haro