Our daily commitment to soil care
4 December, 2023
The cauliflower has a structure composed of small, compact flower heads that emerge from a thick central stem, thus forming a single round head.
In recent years, cauliflower has gained recognition in the culinary field as its versatility has made it the protagonist in numerous dishes, as a rice substitute, prepared as “steaks” or in roast dishes. It is an easy vegetable to add to any diet, since it can be consumed raw, steamed, pureed, crushed, grated or roasted.
Source of antioxidants, cauliflower contributes to cardiovascular health thanks to the presence of sulforaphane plant compound. Acting as an antioxidant, sulforaphane reduces inflammatory damage caused by oxidative stress, a process that plays a primary role in the development of heart disease.
Cauliflower also stands out for its choline content, an essential nutrient we need for mood and memory. This essential component in acetylcholine, a key chemical messenger in signaling the central nervous system, also plays an essential role in brain development.
In addition, cauliflower acts as an ally of the immune system because it is rich in sulfur. Cruciferous vegetables, such as cauliflower, can improve bowel health and strengthen defenses against infections. Sulfur promotes the production of glutathione, a crucial element to maintain the integrity of the intestinal lining and facilitate its regeneration. As a potent antioxidant, glutathione protects cells throughout the body against inflammatory damage.
Empresa referente en el mercado nacional e internacional en la producción y comercialización al por mayor de productos hortofrutícolas.
A leading company in the national and international market for the production and wholesale distribution of fruit and vegetable products.
Dirección/Address: Ctra Palomares cuevas de Almanzora km.2, 04610, Almería
Tel/Pho: 950 61 80 96
E-mail: info@agricolanavarrodeharo.es
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