Watermelon is one of the most refreshing and tasty summer fruits, characterized by its deep red color and sweet flavor. It is made up mostly of water, but it is also rich in essential nutrients and has many health benefits. Next, we show you some of them.
Hydration: Water represents 92% of the composition of watermelon. This helps us stay hydrated, which is why it is so appetizing in the summer when it becomes an ally to combat high temperatures.
Vitamin C: Watermelon contains vitamin C, which is essential for our immune system and therefore protects our body and helps us fight, for example, colds. Specifically, it contains 8 mg of vitamin C per 100g of watermelon.
Cardiovascular health: The consumption of watermelon can help maintain good cardiovascular health and prevent heart problems, since it promotes the metabolism of arginine and citrulline, which is very positive for the heart and hypertension. In addition, it contains other vitamins and minerals, including vitamins A, B6, C, magnesium and potassium, which are also beneficial for this organ.
Bone health: Being rich in nutrients such as potassium and calcium, watermelon helps our bones stay strong. In addition, it prevents joint problems.
Weight control: Watermelon is a low-calorie product (approximately 30 calories per 100 grams). In addition, it is also rich in dietary fiber, an essential nutrient that helps maintain a feeling of satiety and controls appetite. All this makes watermelon a healthy option for weight control.
Skin care: Its high water content promotes skin hydration and a healthy appearance. Vitamins A and C contribute to keeping the skin healthy, and the lycopene content protects it from the sun, something very important at this time of year.
An anti-inflammatory fruit: The antioxidants present in watermelon help neutralize free radicals and reduce oxidative stress in the body, which can help mitigate inflammation. For example, it is highly recommended to drink watermelon juice after a workout to prevent muscle soreness and reduce it if necessary.
Empresa referente en el mercado nacional e internacional en la producción y comercialización al por mayor de productos hortofrutícolas.
A leading company in the national and international market for the production and wholesale distribution of fruit and vegetable products.
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