We sponsor Motocross Calypso
12 March, 2016
In Agrícola Navarro de Haro, one of our main values is innovation, having the best technical resources and we invest continuously in new technologies. In this way, we maximise the quality of the products and satisfy the needs of the customer and of our own work team.
That is why, in this week, we have bought new machinery that will facilitate the work and safety of our workers.
Empresa referente en el mercado nacional e internacional en la producción y comercialización al por mayor de productos hortofrutícolas.
A leading company in the national and international market for the production and wholesale distribution of fruit and vegetable products.
Dirección/Address: Ctra Palomares cuevas de Almanzora km.2, 04610, Almería
Tel/Pho: 950 61 80 96
E-mail: info@agricolanavarrodeharo.es
2023@ Copyright Agrícola Navarro de Haro